Are you as prepared, as you should be? 

October, is upon us, and before you can blink, we are half way through the month. You will have noticed that it is not so light in the mornings now, and the day seems a little cooler. Low and behold, Autumn is here only to be closely followed by the Winter. Now do not get the idea the year is running away with you, but and it is an important But. 

Now is your best chance to prepare for the colder season, it’s not a case of batten down the hatches yet, just a little preparation is called for. 

1: Heating: Is you heating to too scratch, in other words has it been serviced in the last twelve months, if not why not. 

2: Food:  Check your food cupboards, look at the dates, why not take a little trip to the bargain stores and fill up with maybe some Packet Soups, a few Tins of what you may fancy on a cold winter morning, Tea Bags, maybe a packet of Biscuit’s, Rice or Spaghetti Pasta for instance, if you keep these dry they can last for ages, a Portable light or battery operated lamp, don’t forget a couple of candles, you never know. 

3: The House, Flat, or Bungalow: Is it draught proof, do your doors and windows open and shut OK, who has your keys in case of an Emergency, is your family, friends, carers, all available and easily contacted, Phone numbers and any instructions understood. Remember this is just a basic check that you and everybody else is prepared for what may be a cold spell, that could mean, any difficulty in getting out and about or even visitors coming to see you. 

Things that people often forget and get caught out on is a decent Torch, Fresh Batteries, Warm Comfortable Clothing even a nice snuggly blanket, proper safe footwear, Gloves and a Hat and of course a Mask. These do not need to be at hand just that you know where they are in case something happens or you have some kind of Emergency. Have a handy list of Phone Numbers to be used in case a sudden cold snap or something unexpected leaves you in the Lurch. 

A few moments of forethought and a little preparation can make a world of difference, as long as you can stay Dry, Warm, Comfortable, and Communicate you should have no problems at all. 

Sandy Cameron

Wirral Older People’s Parliament.